Rates and Details

Rates and Details

The cost to use our anechoic chamber is based on a clients particular set of needs and the scope of work required to complete the project. 

Our daily rates include the assignment of a qualified technician and/or engineer depending on the complexity of the project and include our time to process the raw data and deliver detailed reports. 

Please contact us to receive a copy of our current rate sheet. 

Measurement Standards
We can currently run measurements to comply with the following standards: 

CEA Standards  
Consumer Electronics Association
  • CEA-2010-A, Standard Method of Measurement for Powered Subwoofers - TBM - Tone Burst Analysis
  • CEA-2019, Testing and Measurement Methods for Audio Amplifiers - DIS, TRF, PWT, MAT, CAL
  • CEA-CEB19, Recommended Loudspeaker Safety Practices - DIS, TRF, PWT
  • CEA-2006-A, Testing & Measurement Methods for Mobile Audio Amplifiers -DIS, TRF, PWT
  • CEA-2031, Testing and Measurement Methods for Mobile Loudspeaker Systems
  • CEA-2034, Standard Method of Measurement for In -Home Loudspeakers
IEC Standards
International Electrotechnical Commission
  • IEC Standard IEC 60268-5 Sound System Equipment, Part 5: Loudspeakers -TRF, DIS, SCN, LSI, LPM, SPM, PWT, MAT, CAL, SIM
  • IEC Standard IEC 62458 Sound System Equipment – Electroacoustic Transducers - Measurement of Large Signal Parameters -LPM, LSI, PWT, SPM, AUR, SIM, MAT, CAL
  • IEC Standard IEC62459 Sound System Equipment – Electro-acoustic Transducers - Measurement of Suspension Parts - SPM, LSI, LPM
  • IEC Standard IEC 60268-1: Sound system equipment. Part 1: General - TRF, DIS
  • IEC Standard IEC 60268-13: Sound system equipment. Part 13: Listening tests on loudspeakers -AUR
  • IEC Standard IEC 60268-16: Sound system equipment - Part 16: Objective rating of speech intelligibility by speech transmission index -TRF, MAT
  • IEC Standard IEC 60268-3: Sound system equipment - Part 3: Amplifiers -TRF, DIS
  • IEC Standard IEC/TR 61305-6: Household high-fidelity audio equipment and systems - Methods of measuring and specifying the performance - Part 6: Listening tests on loudspeakers - Single stimulus ratings and paired comparisons -AUR
AES Standards
Audio Engineering Society
  • AES2-1984 AES Recommended practice Specification of Loudspeaker Components Used in Professional Audio and Sound Reinforcement - TRF, DIS, SCN, LSI, LPM, SPM, PWT, MAT, CAL, SIM
  • AES56-2008 AES standard on acoustics – Sound source modeling – Loudspeaker polar radiation measurement - TRF, DIS, SCN, MAT, CAL, SIM
IEEE Standards
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
  • IEEE Standard 269 IEEE Standard Methods for Measuring Transmission Performance of Analog and Digital telephone Sets, Handsets, and Headset - TRF, DIS, SCN, LSI, LPM, MAT
  • IEEE Standard 1329 Standard Method for Measuring Transmission Performance of Speakerphones - TRF, DIS, SCN, LSI, LPM, MAT, CAL
  • IEEE Standard 1652 Standard for the Application of Free Field Acoustic Reference to Telephony Measurements - TRF, DIS, SCN, LSI, LPM, MAT - 
  • IEEE Standard 1206-1994: Methods for Measuring Transmission Performance of Telephone Handsets and Headsets - TRF, DIS, SCN, LSI, LPM, MAT
We can also tailor acoustic measurements to obtain data relevant to specific project requirements for IoT, conferencing and voice activated systems.  

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Gear List

Audio Precision –
APx525 & APx515 Test measurement systems
1701 Transducer test interface

Audiomatica -
Clio 10FW – Acoustical measurement system

Klippel GmbH - KA3
Transfer Function Measurement
Linear Parameter Measurement
Linear and non-linear signal parameter
3D distortion measurement
Tone burst measurement
Brüel & Kjær
Nexus Type 2690 Microphone Conditioner
Type 2618 Preamplifer
Type 2669 Preamplifier
Type 4135 1/8-inch pressure-field microphone
Type 4191 ½-inch free field microphone
ACO Pacific
PS9200 2-Channel Power Supply
4012 1/2-inch Preamplifier
Model 7012 ½-inch free field microphone
IEC61094-4 compliant
LT360 turntable

PSV-500 Scanning Vibrometer 

Comsol MultiPhysics
AkaBak Lump Model Acoustic Modeling
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